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Millions Of Monarch Butterflies Gather In Mexico In This Absolutely Mesmerizing Video

Monarch butterflies are undeniably beautiful and mesmerizing, and this video further proves their majestic nature.

The footage below shows millions of monarchs flying about in Mexico, creating a fascinating scene.

“Monarch butterflies typically begin their northward migration from Mexico in early spring, around late February to March, with the goal of reaching breeding grounds in the northern parts of their range,” the caption of the video read. “This migration is completed over multiple generations.”

“The first generation emerges from their chrysalises in Mexico in late spring (around May or June) and begins laying eggs shortly after,” the caption continues. “As they travel north, these butterflies may reach the northern US and southern Canada by mid to late summer. In the fall, a new generation of monarchs that have not previously reproduced will migrate back to Mexico, completing the cycle.”

According to National Geographic, “In one of the planet’s most extraordinary natural spectacles, millions of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) gather every winter amid the fir forests of Central Mexico. They carpet the trees and paint the sky black and orange.”

Mexico’s monarch sanctuaries offer some of the most incredible opportunities to view these gorgeous creatures.

Spiritual Significance of Monarch Butterflies

Many cultures and religions believe monarch butterflies represent transformation and rebirth. Others also believe they signify a loved one or ancestor who has passed. For example, “In Mesoamerican culture, they personify the souls of departed loved ones,” National Geographic reported.

“Anyone else believe that angels and spirit guides are around when monarchs are?” someone asked on the Instagram post. “Totally my sign.”

Another person commented on the original video, stating, “I just said I miss my nana and my sign for her are butterflies and this pops on my feed! Thank you nana for the sign ❤️”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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