Missing Hiker Found Alive After 12 Days Without Food & Water

search for missing hiker

Scott Allen Hern, 48, went hiking in Kentucky’s Red River Gorge area on July 6, 2024. He was reported missing, and a search began. After exhaustive search efforts, the missing hiker was found alive 14 days later. Wolfe County Search & Rescue Team (WCSAR) worked tirelessly scouring the entire area. When they located Scott, he had been without food or water for 12 days and needed medical attention.

The heroes from WCSAR covered as much of the area as possible. Working with Scott’s previous journal entries, they focused on specific areas he had outlined in his search for waterfalls. Throughout the rescue operation, WCSAR advised the public of search efforts via Facebook. They outlined their search areas and included photographs of the mobilization teams at work and rest.

Image shows trailers, tents, and volunteers at the search site for a missing hiker in KY's Red River Gorge area.
Image from Facebook.

Team member Eric Wolterman posted a heartfelt message after locating Scott. He was the first person on the scene. The team had set out that morning, knowing it would be their last day of search operations. After a day of bushwhacking in the dense forest, the team stopped for a break when they heard a faint call. Eric described the moment:

“I was the first one to get up to him and I said “my name is Eric, I’m with Wolfe County search and rescue, you are safe, we are going to get you out of here” he looked at me and said “thank you so much. Will you give me a hug.” I got teary eyed, and gave him a big hug. I think it was the best hug of both of our lives.”

From Facebook

A final search update was posted on Facebook by WCSAR on the evening of Saturday, July 20. The team described the hoist operation conducted by Kentucky State Police to bring Scott out of the wilderness. A video of the helicopter in action is in the comments. Scott’s family shared a smiling, happy picture of Scott in the hospital.

Scott Allen Hern, 48, the missing hiker found alive, recuperates in the hospital following his rescue.
Image from Facebook.

It Is Rare To Find A Missing Hiker Alive After So Many Days

After so many days, it is unusual to find a missing hiker, but everyone is overjoyed that Scott was found alive. The efforts of the heroes with WCSAR and their perseverance did not go unnoticed. The entire state, including Governor Andy Beshear, has expressed gratitude for the search efforts.

Many search team members were already considering their efforts a “recovery” rather than a “rescue.” No search team ever wants to admit that, and the intrusive thoughts did not lessen their determination. They were rewarded for that extra effort when they found the missing hiker alive.

Scott continues his recovery, and we wish him well. If you are hiking alone, please use a safety check-in person. Let them know where you will be hiking and when you expect to return. Remember to check in with them if your plans change. Knowing your route can be instrumental in a quick rescue if you are lost. With Scott’s journal entries, searchers could narrow the search area to those places he had outlined. However, no one knew exactly what area he headed to that first day.

Plan and stay safe. If you enjoyed reading about the missing hiker found alive, please share this.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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