Mom Shares Hilarious Way She’s “Picking And Choosing My Battles Today” With Her Toddler

Left image shows a full plate, a full fork, and has the words, "Picking and choosing my battles today." Right image shows an adult hand handing the forkful of food into the hand of a toddler hiding in a pillow fort.

There will always be “those days” when you’re a parent. When you’re a toddler mom, they may happen more frequently than with older children. We recently wrote about the silly things a mom did to upset her four-year-old. If it’s one of those days, you may reach a point where you have to pick your battles. Some things aren’t worth the fight, so you may give in and let things ride.

Such was the case with this toddler mom, who seemed to be fighting with the child about eating at the table. Children need food, but they don’t always cooperate. The child was snuggled in a pillow fort, hiding from the world. Rather than remove the pillows and drag the kid to the table, this resourceful mom loaded a fork and handed it to the pillow. A tiny hand came out to grasp the fork. The empty fork was returned from behind the pillows within a few seconds.

Left image shows a toddler mom handing a forkful of food into a pillow fort. Right image shows a tiny hand returning the empty fork.
Image from TikTok.

As this toddler mom discovered, every lost battle might still result in a win. For her, giving up on forcing the child to the table didn’t mean she couldn’t get them to eat. The child gets their lunch by making one small consolation, and the mom avoids a potential meltdown.

Making The Most Of Being A Toddler Mom

Raising children isn’t always an easy task. None of them come with manuals. Everyone is different, so there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” method that works universally. What worked great with your first may not work at all with your second. Like this toddler mom, every parent has reached a “pick your battles” day.

If you’re a newish parent, remember that you may not always win, but not all “losses” are losses. Sometimes, letting your child be themselves is more important than sitting at the table and using a napkin.

If this message resonates with you, please share it with other parents who may need to hear it.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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