Mother Reveals Heartwarming Reason Her Daughter Walks With Her Hands Behind Her Back

A little girl walking with her hands behind her back.

One mom just realized how deeply her daughter respects her great-grandfather, and it touched her heart so much that she had to share! It all started when this woman noticed that her child had developed a peculiar quirk. She always walked with her hands behind her back. Obviously, there was nothing wrong with that, but it did strike this mother as odd.

It wasn’t until she saw her daughter doing this around her great-grandfather that she figured it out. Great-grandpa walked like that, too! Her little girl wanted to be just like the elderly man. Isn’t that adorable? Mom captured the sweetest footage of the child trailing behind him, imitating his particular walk.

“Then it all made sense…” wrote the mom on social media. “She was following her great-grandad’s footsteps.”

This mom’s beautiful video of her daughter copying her great-grandfather has received over 31 million views! Commenters thought the footage was absolutely precious.

“Omg I’m crying this is so cute,” wrote one user.

Another added, “She has an old soul hahaha.”

However, Great-grandfather isn’t the only person that this young daughter wants to emulate. She’s also a big fan of her mother! In another heartwarming video, Mom caught the little girl “parenting” her baby dolls. It’s amazing to see how carefully she tucks her “children” into bed!

“Whenever I think I’ve got it rough, I look at my toddler who’s got four babies and she just gets on with it,” joked the girl’s mom.

Social media users thought this was too funny.

“There’s always that one mom who makes it look easy,” one person joked.

What a sweet and empathetic little girl! We just know she’s going to grow up into such a kind and caring adult.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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