“My In-Laws Drove 17 Hours To Make Sure I Wasn’t Alone For My Birthday”

View from the backseat of a car. A man is driving and a woman is in the passenger seat. Text on the image reads: My in laws drove 17 hours to make sure I wasn't alone for my birthday

Having a spouse who is in the military is not easy, especially when they are away on deployment. There’s no doubt that a woman named Bekah misses her husband, Chris, every single day. That said, some days are tougher than others. As you can imagine, big events like holidays and birthdays tend to be the most challenging. But Bekah’s most recent birthday was especially monumental — she turned 30!

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Unfortunately, Chris would not be home for this special day. Thankfully, however, Bekah has other people in her life who also love her dearly, including her in-laws. In fact, they went above and beyond to ensure their daughter-in-law would not be alone on her birthday. How did they do this, exactly? By driving 17 miles in order to spend time with her in person! Catch a glimpse at their time together in the heartwarming video at this link.

@bekahxchris hit the in laws jackpot ❤️ #inlaws #familytime #deployment #militarywife #milso #fyp #birthday ♬ wash – favsoundds

Together, Bekah and her in-laws celebrated the occasion with a delicious meal. How cool is that!? It’s kind gestures like these that tend to stick with someone for the rest of their life. It really is no wonder that Bekah says she “hit the in-laws jackpot” — the people leaving comments on her popular video certainly agree!

Woman Proves She Won the “In-Laws Jackpot” When They Drive 17 Miles So She Won’t Be Alone On Her Birthday

“As someone who spent her birthday alone because her husband was deployed, this heals my heart!” someone in the comments shares, with another adding, “Having good in laws is such a blessing.”

“My in laws were my rock during deployment,” a third person chimes in. “I’ll never be able to tell them how grateful I am with how supportive they were during that time.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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