A mother’s job is never done, especially when your kids are as cheeky as Rebecca Wooldridge’s.
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Rebecca is mom to 6-year-old son Felix and identical triplet daughters Etta, Maya-Albertine, and Amelie, age 2. As you can imagine, Rebecca’s days are filled with changing diapers, cleaning up, filling sippy cups, and trying her best to keep everyone out of trouble. Like all moms, some days she’s more successful at that last part than others.

One day Rebecca was home with the kids when she decided to give them a bath. All four children were happily splashing in the tub when she was called out of the room for a few moments. As soon as she returned she knew something was up. For starters, two of the triplets were no longer in the tub.
And then there was the little matter of the chocolate smears all over the walls… When she turned back from the tub she spotted the culprits: Etta and Maya-Albertine stood nearby happily licking chocolate from their fingers. The chocolate wasn’t just on their fingers, though – it. was. everywhere.

Rebecca, who writes a blog about her adventures raising four kids under six, immediately pulled out her camera and began recording the aftermath of “Nutella-gate.” As she presses the girls for information about their chocolate heist it soon becomes clear that these children aren’t sorry at all. Not even a little bit! Just look at the proud expression on their faces!

Through her cross-examination Rebecca soon learns that Etta and Maya-Albertine had crept from the tub where Amelie and Felix remained, gone into the kitchen cabinet and opened up the jar of chocolate spread. They then had a field day covering themselves in the brown goo and eating as much as they could before being discovered.
Once again… they have no regrets. “Whose idea was this?” Rebecca asks.
“ME!” crows one girl happily. The other seems too busy licking herself to reply.

Meanwhile, over in the bathtub, Amelie is probably feeling like she missed the boat on this chocolate run. When Rebecca pans the camera over in her direction we get a fleeting glimpse of the third triplet’s face and she’s clearly regretting her choice to keep her nose (and everything else) clean.

“I want to do it…” Felix whines in the background. We don’t blame you a bit, Felix!
The Birmingham, United Kingdom family is now going viral thanks to this adorable video! Every mother in the world can relate and empathize with Rebecca. It takes so little time for kids to make a huge mess for us to clean up! Good thing these girls are so darn cute – how could we be mad at their faces?
Watch the naughty triplets after their chocolate binge in the video below, and don’t forget to share!
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