“POV: Your Husband Was Born To Be A Girl Dad”

Image shows a girl dad enjoying a snow day with extra snuggles.

The whirlwind began in September 2023 with Ian and Jessica McNamara’s marriage, followed by a honeymoon in Hawaii. That led to the birth of Dahlia Dae McNamara on June 25, 2024, and Ian’s transition from husband to girl dad. Living in Cincinnati, Ohio, this growing family is the perfect inspiration for a Norman Rockwell painting.

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Dahlia, Ian, and Jessica McNamara. Ian has a "Superman forehead lock" and is showing the world what a girl dad he is.
Image from Instagram.

The birth of their daughter forced Jessica to make adjustments. She had to accept that she was no longer the only girl for Ian. He settled into being the perfect girl dad. One of the best examples of this transition is watching Ian serenade his daughter by singing “Pink Pony Club.”

Singing isn’t unusual for Ian. He’s a natural Piano Man and shares many songs with Dahl, who loves her dad’s voice.


daddy daughter piano mornings

♬ original sound – TinkAndTank

The McNamara family shares much of their life on social media. That offers us a glimpse into their moving Norman Rockwell painting life. Some things will be predictable. As Dahlia grows, the things her parents do will undoubtedly embarrass her.

Ian is a huge Cincinnati Bengals fan. That’s the local NFL team, and they’re not horrible, but Ian’s fan gear is next-level “OMGawd!” The embarrassing part will come when the pictures resurface during her senior year of high school. The yearbook committee will have a field day. The caption will read, “Whose parents are these?” Dahl’s first Halloween was no picnic, either. However, it was a walk in the park — Jurassic Park! Girl Dads can be so weird.

Left image shows Bengals fans ready for opening day. Right image shows a family dressed for Halloween in Jurassic Park-themed costumes.
Images from Instagram here and here.

Whether Dahlia’s arrival was a happy honeymoon surprise or perfectly planned, she is a bundle of joy. Ian is a perfect example of what a girl dad is supposed to be.

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