Precious: Rescued Baby Elephant Goes On Morning Run With Her Caretakers

Human conservationists running with a baby elephant.

If at first you don’t succeed, try again — just like this baby elephant during her morning run! In a sweet video on social media, conservationist Cam Whitnall shared some footage of a rescued critter named Pragan getting her daily exercise. Unfortunately, the animal tripped and fell on the trail, which made her feel pretty silly. However, with a little encouragement from Cam and some other caretakers, she was able to get back up on her feet!

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Once the baby elephant was moving again, she forgot all about her mishap. In the clip, it looks like she had a lot of fun running with her two-legged friends. Cam explained that Pragan is an orphan, as her parents died at the hands of poachers. She now lives at UWEC, a conservation center in Uganda, where she’s thriving!

This adorable baby elephant footage was only the first part of Cam’s video. He included several other clips of his “favourite moments with elephants,” all of which are equally precious!

After showing Pragan’s morning run, he demonstrated how another elephant received a prosthetic foot. This poor creature was injured by a snare as a child, so he’s grown up missing one of his front feet. Chhouk was very still and cooperative while wildlife caretakers put the prosthetic on him. He was able to walk with so much more ease once he was wearing it!

Cam ended his video with several sweet shots of other adult and baby elephants playing and bathing together. Commenters absolutely loved this heartwarming content!

Human conservationists running with a baby elephant.
Screengrab from TikTok

“What I would do to run with a baby elephant,” one person wrote, wistfully.

Another added, “Elephants are too pure for our world.”

These beautiful animals deserve all the help they can get from us! We’re so glad that conservationists like Cam are out there caring for elephants in need.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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