Quintessential Idaho: Driver Spots World’s Largest Potato Cruising Down The Road

Images show the front and rear of a truck carrying the world's largest potato on a highway in Georgia.

Some questions need answers. Who’s half-baked idea was it to give the potato a driver’s license? How did it grow so big? It’s technically blind because, although it does have eyes, it cannot see, so how can it drive? We could go on, but we’ll stop there and get to explaining some things. Technically, the world’s largest potato isn’t a potato; it’s an Airbnb. Wait… WHAT? Please don’t get all mashed on us; we’ll get to that soon.

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According to Guinness World Records, the Heaviest (real) Potato is 10 pounds, 14 ounces. It was grown by Peter Glazebrook from Nottinghamshire in the UK. GWR confirmed the weight at Royal Bath & West Showground in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, UK. That happened on September 4, 2011. However, that is NOT the world’s largest (real) potato that was seen cruising along the highway.

Image shows the world's largest potato and the semi-truck that carries it to event venues around the US.
Image from Facebook.

Spotted in Savannah, Georgia, that potato is the spokes spud for the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC). The huge tuber travels around the country on its semi-trailer, bringing the gospel of starch to all willing ears. You can learn more about the tour schedule here. You can also follow the tour on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Image shows past and current show locations for events featuring the world's largest potato.
Image from IPC.

We Weren’t Lying About The World’s Largest Potato Airbnb

We promised you a spudsy Airbnb and are about to add the cheese and broccoli to that idea for you. However, this one is no longer on a trailer, so you’ll need to travel to Boise, Idaho. The Big Idaho Potato Hotel is a retired spud spending its waning years lounging in a pasture. You can rent the potato, which is now a cozy spud stay location.

The Big Idaho Potato Hotel is on 400 acres of farmland. The facility includes a mini fridge, potato-centric decor, a comfortable bed, and other neat amenities. The converted silo next door is a spa retreat. We saved the best for last. For the duration of your spud stay, you get custody of a cute Jersey cow who will pretend they are your pet. You can get more information and make reservations here.

Imagine that. Living in a potato with a pet cow! How could life be any better?

Please share if you enjoyed seeing how versatile Idaho potatoes can be.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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