No matter the circumstances, it’s undoubtedly devastating to have your home burn down in a fire. But I can only imagine how much more heartbreaking it is when it happens to your childhood home. That’s exactly what happened recently to the boyfriend of someone named Ainsley. Still, she says he’s “the only person who would still try to find a bright side in all of this.”
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One way they’re both doing this is through humor. Together, they reached out to companies to see if they’d be willing to help him out with replacing their products, given the circumstances. While they recognize that none of them are obligated to do anything to help, it’s still be fun to rank their responses. Keep scrolling to see the results!
1. Apple’s Response — 4/10
Replacing Apple products can’t be cheap. The good news is that they were able to offer him a student discount!

The bad news is that both Ainsley and her boyfriend already have access to their student discount because, well, they’re students. Still, it seems they get a four-star rating based on the concept of “it’s the thought that counts.”

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