Real Estate Agent Asks Employee To Edit A Video For Him & Gets Back Hilarious Results

Images show creepy poses and grimaces on the face of the real estate agent in the vide.

Although I’ve never wanted to be a real estate agent, if I were one, I’d like to work at Pridemore Properties. First, they’re hilarious. Second, they’re laughing at themselves, and it’s more hilarious. Third, they pick on their Gen Z employee like she’s the boss’s daughter, and they all had a hand in raising her. They up the ante on hilarity with her, and she dishes it right back. She is their tech wiz kid, which makes sense.

If the hairs on the back of your neck rose watching that, we don’t blame you a bit. It is CREEPY. She found every random noise, weird face, every breath he took, and inappropriate gesture and edited them into one horrendous compilation. The results are indeed hilarious. However, if I visit the office, I might be sidestepping that particular real estate agent (his name is Mike).

Creepy clips from the video compilation of Mike breathing.
Image from Instagram.

In defense of the Gen Z employee, she also did the video correctly. It turned out pretty well and is a very professional production.

In addition to selling real estate, everyone in the office seems to have fun at work, which makes going to work much easier every day. They tease one another, laugh, and even make blooper reels for their social media viewers. You can hear the Gen Z employee behind the camera telling them that none of the footage is usable.

If you’re wondering why they (especially Mike) seem to pick on the Gen Z employee, it’s probably because she is the youngest in the office.

Real Estate Agents Learn A New Language

Gen Z encompasses people born between 1997 and 2012, making them all less than 27 years old. Many 20-somethings are college graduates, but that doesn’t make them any easier to understand. They seem to have a language of their own. We’re not sure it qualifies them as bi-lingual, but it might be handy. Sales to this younger generation of upwardly mobile DINK (Dual Income No Kids) homebuyers might be enhanced if real estate agents spoke their language. Being diligent, the Gen Z employee is working with the dinosaur population to teach them the correct terminology.

If you find yourself confused after that video, you are not alone. I am clueless when it comes to talking “Gen Z-ese.” I know the word “Yeet,” but my Gen Z (she’s 22) child informed me that I just ruined that word for her. Go figure.

Not everything on their Instagram channel is fun and games. Pridemore Properties has also published several videos to assist homebuyers and sellers. You may find information about mortgages, homeowner’s insurance, selecting your perfect neighborhood, foreclosures, FSBO (For Sale by Owner), or many other subject areas. You can find Pridemore Properties on Facebook or Instagram.

We hope you enjoyed this fun look at real estate agents and what goes on behind the scenes.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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