All-Time Hilarious Clip: “One Of The Best Things A Ref Has Ever Said In A Game”

Images show a college football referee saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, please refrain from shooting lasers onto the field. Thank you."

It’s football season! Fans gather wings and snacks as their favorite college and National Football League teams hit the gridiron. As part of the early-season warm-up, we’re revisiting the best thing ever said by a referee. During the Baylor-Rice game on September 16, 2016, the referee grabbed the Public Address (PA) microphone and sent a booming message to fans about lasers.

Yes, the ref had to remind fans not to shine lasers onto the field. His message, “Ladies and gentlemen, please refrain from shooting lasers onto the field. Thank you.” was short and to the point.

Many people don’t realize that lasers can damage players’ eyes. A fan used a green laser and shone the beam on the field. Green lasers are hazardous because they produce an IR beam that doesn’t trigger the “look-away” reflex. Inexpensive laser pointers do not have an IR filter and are also dangerous.

Stock image showing how bright a green laser can be against the night sky.
Image from Wikimedia Commons.

A Detroit Lions fan used a laser to distract Buffalo Bills players at a 2015 NFL game. After bragging about it on social media, the 18-year-old fan was charged with disorderly conduct. In court, where he pled guilty, he received 80 hours of community service, a one-year jail sentence (suspended), and a fine of $235. The young man also received a lifetime ban from Ford Field. The season ticket holder who brought the young man to the game had the remainder of his season tickets revoked.

Although the Baylor-Rice referee who made the laser announcement was nice about it, he could have taken more drastic measures. The ref’s laser announcement will remain one of the funniest things a ref has ever said. We remember this moment in sports and are thankful that no one was injured.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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