Roller Skating 15-Yr-Old Flips Over 12 People In Hopes Of Breaking A World Record.

A teen, who is upside down, is midflight as she flips over 12 people laying on the ground while she's wearing roller skates.

When Mia Peterson first put on a pair of roller skates at 11-years-old, she had no idea what she would end up accomplishing with them. With time and lots of practice, she was able to learn how to pull of impressive tricks, like flips. By the time she was 13, she was giving half pipe tricks a shot. But her biggest accomplishment so far, which involved Guinness World Records, happened when she was just 15 years old.

With the encouragement of her friend, Jake, she attempted to do a flip over him while he was laying on the ground. From there, more and more of Mia’s friends proved just how much they trust her by volunteering as well. Before she knew it, she was able to regularly flip over 10 people.

It was at this point that Mia received even more encouragement from her friends. They were confident that she was a shoo-in to break the world record for the most people barani flipped over from a quarter pipe on roller skates — and they were right!

“My closest friends at the skate park who watched me since the first day I started skating were the ones who trusted me,” Mia said. “I’m grateful they trust and believe in me to flip over them, as well as to put up with all of my other crazy ideas.”

Watch Mia break the world record in the video below.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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