Sausage Dog Stampede: Witness The Perfection That Is The Dackelparade In Germany

Image shows two Dachshunds on leashes participating in the Dackelparade in Regensburg, Germany.

What happens when you have 1,175 Dachshunds in one location? You hold a parade to celebrate the short-legged sausage-shaped slipper-eaters! In Regensburg, Germany, the Dachshund Museum organized the Dackelparade. They invited Dachshund lovers from around the world to join them. The parade was held on September 22, and the turnout was so great they set a world record!

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People brought their beloved pets to Regensburg in droves. Dachshunds of every type were in attendance. There were super-long, super-short, super-skinny, and extra-plump dogs. You could see every kind of Dachshund. There were short-, long-, and wire-haired dogs. Are you singing the jingle yet? My brain keeps hearing the old Oscar Meyer Weiner jingle and trying to rewrite the words to fit this occasion.

They’re Dachshunds, so there weren’t any tall dogs, and you had to look down between all the people to see them strutting their stuff. But strut they did! While many walked on leashes, some elderly dogs were pushed in strollers, carried, or pulled in wagons.

Left image shows a man walking a six-pack of Dachshunds at the Dackelparade in Regensburg, Germany. Right image shows an unknown number of doxies riding in a wagon.
Image from TikTok.

The dogs were the main focus of the Dackelparade, but there was more to see. Merchants brought dachshund-themed products, and bakers made adorable cupcakes featuring the popular little sausage dogs. The air was alive with the love for these tiny little weiners.

There were marching bands, floats, and all the parade regalia you can imagine. The official counting of the 1,175 dogs took place at the Dachshund Museum. The Dackelparade began at Dultplatz, continued over the Stone Bridge, then past the Neupfarrplatz, and ended at the Regensburg Cathedral.

You can see more images and videos from the Dackelparade on Instagram. It was a wonderful day to celebrate these beloved animals.

Please share if you know a Dachshund lover.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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