Curiosity Is King… But Did My Kid Really Just Ask Me That?!

Kids ask a lot of silly questions.

9. Why Can’t I See My Eyes?

Silly questions kids ask include "Why can't I see my eyes?"
Image from Wikimedia Commons.

When X user @seasiderclare fielded this question from their child, we have no clue how they answered. Again, we could do this scientifically, but let’s not. Tell the kid to look in a mirror and be done.

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10. Where Do Thoughts Come From?

If we knew the answer to this question, asked by the child of Reddit user /u/shrevid, we could answer anything. Despite 42 being the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, we don’t think it helps us here. Perhaps you should pack your towel and resign yourself to not knowing?

As we entertained ourselves with these unanswerable silly questions that kids ask, we came up with a few more. Unfortunately, we still don’t know why pee is yellow. I asked Alexa, and she gave me a scientific answer that you need a biology degree to decipher. If your kid asks that one, avoid answering it (or have them ask Alexa). If you enjoyed finding out that all kids ask silly questions, please share this with other frustrated parents.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here and here.

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