Staffy Throws Adorable Fit When Mom Has Coffee Before Feeding Her

Close up of a Staffy dog, eyes wide, with a sad look on her face

For so many of us, the perfect way to start off the day is with a fresh cup of coffee. This is certainly true for Ella the Staffy’s owner. This fact, however, is one that Ella herself is not pleased with in the least. In fact, she will not hesitate for even a second to make her opinion known, even as Mom tries to enjoy her hot cup of joe. Luckily, this adorable Staffy dog’s fit was caught on camera.

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Based on what we’re told about this particularly whiny morning, it’s not clear if this is the first time Ella has made complaints over her mom’s routine. Though, it would make sense if that morning was different from the others — dogs tend to hate a break in their routine. This is especially true, of course, if that change in routine delays their time to eat, even if by five minutes. See for yourself in the video below!

As the above video shows, Ella truly pulls out all of the stops to get Mom’s attention. And, ideally, get her to stop what she’s doing to feed her. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s safe to say that Ella absolutely nailed her delivery. How can you look at that face and not feel at least a little guilty?

Ella the Staffy Dog Steals Hearts With Her Adorable Fit at Breakfast

While it’s totally reasonable to delay your dog‘s routine at times, needless to say, Ella’s puppy eyes have garnered her quite the support. Now, if only she could convince her mom, too…

“I’m calling the police… you’d better feed that baby,” someone jokes in the comment section, with another adding, “Feed that starving seal.”

“How can you drink coffee when that sweet baby is clearly starving?” a third person adds. “Have you no soul?”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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