Stunningly Skilled: Woman Makes Gorgeous Wearable “Glass” Dress

A woman nervously holds a clear dress close to the camera

All fashion is a form of art. That said, there are certain articles of clothing that actually do look like they belong in a gallery. The “glass” dress that Shay Rose made is one of them. This talented creator loves to find outfit inspiration from all over, including popular media. That said, the inspiration for this glass look comes from Nina Dobrev’s dress at the 2024 Met Gala.

In order to make a dress that looks like glass, Shay had to think outside the box. As amazing as it would have been to wear actual glass, she needed material that could actually form to the shape of her body. Her solution? Clear Worbla (a plastic material) that she covered in a resin coating. Perfecting such a tricky design took countless hours, but the results are magical! See for yourself in the viral video below (Content Warning: language).

“It took me a sec, but here is the final progress video for this project!!” Shay shares in the caption of her video. “Wanted to share a peek into the (multiple) failures here, since this dress was really an experiment more than a sewing project.”

All of that hard work certainly paid off! Shay managed to make an absolutely stunning dress that really does look like it’s made of glass. Check out some incredible photos of the dress in the slideshow below.

Creative Artist Spends Hours Creating the Perfect “Glass” Dress

“It’s not an outfit, it’s an art piece,” someone points out on social media, with another adding, “Literally what can’t you do????”

“That’s like what I would imagine a water or wind goddess or maybe a nymph wearing!” a third person shares. “You could really play with that and make a neat costume!”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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