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A video of a man rescuing a toddler as she fell from a building in Tongxiang City in East China will certainly increase your heart rate.
According to China Daily, Shen Dong was about to walk into the bank where he works when, suddenly, he heard a loud noise that came from the building across the street. Shen did not hesitate to go and check what had happened. That’s when he noticed: A toddler had fallen from the sixth to the second floor, hitting an advertisement board.
Shen did not have time to process what had happened because the toddler fell again, and this time, she was headed straight to the bottom of the building. Thankfully, Shen opened his arms, and the little girl landed perfectly in them. This whole rescue seems like something out of a movie – but it happened.
After catching the 2-year-old, Shen also drove her to a nearby hospital. While she did suffer some injuries, they do not compare to what could’ve happened if Shen wasn’t there at the moment of her fall.
Watch the nerve-wracking rescue below and don’t forget to share Shen’s heroic rescue with a friend.
Heroes among us. pic.twitter.com/PumEDocVvC
– Lijian Zhao èµµç«‹åš (@zlj517) July 22, 2022
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