The Cutest Coworker Ever Award Goes To Franklin The Office Puppy

A tiny puppy in the hallway at an office.

Employee satisfaction just went up 100% at this office, and it’s all thanks to this adorable puppy! Everyone loves it when Franklin the Weenie, a sweet miniature dachshund, comes to hang out with his owner at their job. Someone caught the most precious footage of this little dog visiting the workplace. It’s so sweet to watch people’s faces light up when they see this pooch scampering down the hallway!

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In this precious clip, Franklin spent some time wandering around the office, delighting employees with his puppy antics. One woman was thrilled to see the little pooch running over to greet her at her desk. Unfortunately, it looks like having this dachshund around isn’t necessarily great for productivity — not that anyone minds! A coworker couldn’t help but smile when the dog decided to take a nap on top of his papers.

“Office morale just went up a notch with our resident pupper!” read the video’s social media caption.

It looks like Franklin’s role as office puppy is important enough to have earned him his own desk! Well, ok, it’s a drawer in his owner’s desk. However, she made it extra comfy for the little pooch with blankets and toys! Mom caught the sweetest footage of her “desk buddy” relaxing in his makeshift bed while his human got some work done.

“He gets me through the work day,” the woman wrote in her clip.

When commenters saw this adorable office puppy hanging out in his owner’s desk, they absolutely fell in love. In fact, it made a few users want to bring their own dogs to work!

“That is so so adorable! So tempted to try,” one person wrote.

Another added, “I’m gonna ask my supervisor if I can keep a puppy in my desk. It’s only fair!”

Sadly, not everyone is lucky enough to work in an office with a puppy on the premises. However, maybe the idea will eventually catch on!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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