The Northern Lights Are Expected To Return This Week! Here’s Who May See The Show

Northern Lights

Life is busy, and no matter how many hours we have in a day, there just aren’t enough. Even though we want to fit in as much as we can, sometimes it’s important to take a step back to breathe and enjoy the wonders of nature. In a fast-paced world driven by technology, every once in a while, we can enjoy some entertainment for free.

On July 24, parts of the United States may be in luck if they want to see a beautiful show right at home. According to the NOAA, the Northern Lights, also known as aurora borealis, will be visible across a nice portion of the U.S. Wednesday evening.


Breaking News! The Northern Lights might be visible in parts of the United States Wednesday night! astronomy outerspace northernlights

♬ original sound – Jodi Kodesh

If you’re in the northern and upper Midwest states from New York to Idaho, you might be in luck. Erica Cei, a spokesperson for the NOAA, shared with People that she expects the sky to be “clear, very dark,” and have “no light pollution.”

Not Everyone Will See The Northern Lights

Cei said that the Northern Lights will definitely not be visible in New York City. But with ideal viewing conditions, it is possible to see the aurora “as far south as northern New England.”

She explained that these types of solar storms “happen about 600 times per solar cycle,” typically four to five times a month.

Cei added we’re currently in the peak of an 11-year solar cycle. So a “larger, more consequential storm” is expected later in the year. It could even be a severe or extreme solar storm bringing the iconic lights our way.

If you’re in the path of the Northern Lights, take a minute to look up and marvel at the beauty. We only get one life, might as well enjoy all it has to offer.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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