This Giant “Sandcastle” Is A Gorgeous Beachfront Home.

Malibu beachfront house

In the rugged seascapes of Malibu, there sits a house that redefines the term “beachfront property”. The Sandcastle House, a masterpiece designed and built by architect Harry Gesner, is a beautiful monument to love, nature, and family.

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The Sandcastle House is like an architectural love letter penned by Gesner to his wife. With 6 rooms in the main structure and three standalone apartments, you have more than a dwelling; you have a village of imagination. Gesner broke the mold when crafting this haven, employing reclaimed materials from burning schools, decommissioned battleships, and demolished buildings!

The Sandcastle is segmented into the main “castle” and three surrounding apartments, including the whimsically named “Boathouse” and “Tree House.” But size doesn’t eclipse its soul. The house vibrates with the hum of family life and creative energy, manifested in everything from its Greek-theater-inspired fireplace to the seashell Zen Gesner’s dad used to call him in from surfing sessions.


Yet what sets the Sandcastle apart isn’t just its organic architecture or stunning location; it’s the story behind it. Gesner proposed to his then-fiancée Nan on the same bluff this home now graces. They both sketched out sandcastles as kids — literal ones on the beach — and this dream mutated into a home where rooms function as stages, greenhouses, and art studios. A home built to evolve, both with nature and its inhabitants.

Isn’t it time we recalibrate our architectural compasses? Let’s embrace homes that narrate stories as vividly as they provide shelter. Share this story if you’re as enchanted by this Malibu marvel as we are. Let’s keep the conversation about revolutionary design going. After all, sharing is the first step to owning, right?

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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