Toddler Has Epic Reaction To Seeing Bubbles For The First Time

A woman holds a little boy in her arms as she blows giant bubbles. The boy smiles as he watches

As we get older, we tend to lose our sense of wonder over the little things. Luckily, there are plenty of kids who are quick to remind us that the world can be a pretty cool place. This can even be true of the simplest moments, one of which took place during a boy’s 1st birthday party. The toddler, who is named Bento, had no idea what his parents had in store for him on his big day.

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To celebrate, Bento’s loved ones gathered together, no doubt giving him delightful gifts. But the best one the toddler received has to be bubbles. This gift may seem simple to us adults, but for Bento, it was more akin to being introduced to magic. As soon as Dad blew bubbles in the direction of his son, the boy’s whole face lit up with joy! Watch Bento’s wholesome reaction for yourself in the popular video below.

Mouth agape and eyes wide open, Bento can hardly contain the level of excitement that fills his tiny little body. Not even a second round of bubbles can diminish the exciting he was feeling in that moment. How sweet is that!? We can’t experience bubbles for the first time again, of course, but what a joy it is to see this sweet boy experience this first!

Parents Share Their Toddler’s Magical Moment With Bubbles During His 1st Birthday Party

“So sweet how the simplest things can bring such joy to a child!” someone points out in the comment section of the video, with another adding, “Magic! It’s still alive in them.”

“This is so beautiful,” a third person shares. “I’m here smiling; the baby’s joy is contagious.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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