Toddler’s Reaction To Mom’s Return From 3-Day Trip Isn’t Exactly What She Expected

Left image shows a toddler in a crib looking at his mom as she returns from a trip. Right image shows him turning away from her as if he's upset.

When a parent leaves their child for the first time, it can be traumatic for both the parent and the toddler. Whether it is a business trip or something else that causes the separation, the reunion isn’t always what you would expect. When Elizabeth Maclay left her son, Michael, for a 3-day trip, she did not get the expected toddler reaction.

She swung open her son’s bedroom door and entered with a cheerful greeting. As she approached his bed, she was met with a steely glare. His expression barely changed as he diverted his eyes. Reaching to cradle his face, Elizabeth kept talking, telling him she missed him. He almost looks as if he’s never seen this weird lady before.

Image from TikTok.

His gaze moved away, staring down toward the floor. She gently caressed his arm, and he looked away completely. At this stage, Elizabeth felt totally snubbed, but she kept trying. Hopefully, her son warmed up to her after the video stopped rolling. We can definitely empathize with her on this cold reception.

Image from TikTok.

While she thought she would be welcomed with open arms, Elizabeth got the opposite reaction from her toddler. The comment section contains many parents sharing similar “snubs” from their children. Some offered explanations to help Elizabeth try to understand. User Gldchick10 said, “On his little defense he just woke up so he is not sure if you are real or a dream.” Most of the comments were supportive and encouraging.

Several videos on Elizabeth’s vlog following this show her son loving on his mom, so Michael did get over his initial separation issues. That’s good because she thinks her next trip may be longer. If you enjoyed this, please share.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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