Too Cool: Divers Discover Alien-Like Jellyfish While Exploring At Night

Close up of a weird looking jellyfish with lots of long, thin legs. It's also translucent

What better way to explore the world than by scuba diving? With over 80% of the Earth’s oceans remaining unexplored, there is so much left to discover. Even the creatures we have found can come as a great surprise, given how unusual they look. Luckily for a man named Zach, he managed to come across one of these bizarre creatures during a night dive.

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Zach is no stranger to exploring the ocean. He not only dives for himself, but he also provides scuba tours in the San Diego area. Although he’s come across many creatures in his life, none have ever looked quite like this jellyfish. With lots of long, thin legs and a translucent body, Zach had to capture it on camera. See this unusual jellyfish for yourself in the video below.

@zachsscubashack Scrippsia pacifica is the name of this beautiful specimen. #LaJollaDive #ZachsScubaShack ♬ Interstellar on Piano – Andy Morris

San Diego Resident Discovers Alien-Like Creature During Night Dive

Even a professional diver like Zach was unable to identify this jellyfish alone. Eventually, he was able to figure out that it’s called Scrippsia pacifica. It seems these sci-fi-like creatures are often found in deeper waters, though it’s possible to find them closer to the surface. As Zach noted, there’s not a lot of info out there on them.

According to The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, scientists have estimated that 91% of ocean species have not been classified. And with the little info Zach was able to find on the Scrippsia pacifica, it goes to show there’s still much to learn about the creatures we do know about, too.

Plus, Zach isn’t the only diver with an incredible discovery. One off the coast of Mexico found what is called a “Rainbow Tripod Fish.” Meanwhile, a fisherman found what he initially thought was seaweed, only to discover it’s an animal! How cool are the creatures we get to share this world with?

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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