Traffic Stop Has Unexpectedly Heartwarming Turn When Driver Begins Sobbing.

A man wearing a hoodie stands outside on the side of the road. Snow is on the ground. One one side of him is his own car and on the other is a cop car. The man covers his face with his hand as he cries.

We all go through difficult times in life. That’s the case right now for this man in Macomb County. It’s why, while driving, he chose to pull over. Eventually, he was there long enough for folks passing by to get concerned. One person called the cops, sharing that they were concerned the driver may have passed out. Deputy Thorne arrived first to the scene. Soon after, a second deputy arrived to make sure everything was going well.

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There, the two men found a guy they now refer to as Joe, though his real name is not revealed to give him privacy. A video captures the moment they pull him over, leading to an unexpectedly heartwarming moment. As the officers speak to the driver, they quickly learn that he’s going through a difficult time.

A man wearing a hoodie stands outside on the side of the road. Snow is on the ground. One one side of him is his own car and on the other is a cop car. The man covers his face with his hand as he cries.

“Joe explained to Deputy Thorne that he was headed to work and had to pull over because he was feeling down and just needed a break,” the Macomb Country Sheriff’s Office shares on Facebook. “He didn’t want to hurt himself. He was upset and had multiple stressful issues making him feel overwhelmed.”

Upon learning this, Thorne asks if there’s anything they can do to help. Joe’s reply? Simple yet so powerful.

“I could use a hug,” Joe shares.

Routine Traffic Stop Turns Into Life-Changing Moment

Without hesitation, Thorne gives him his much needed hug. From there, the officers are able to give him help, not only through resources but with genuine human connection.

“For the next twenty minutes, Deputy Thorne and Deputy Parisek, both military veterans, sat with Joe and exchanged some stories, helpful remedies, encouragement, and even a laugh at the end,” the post continues.

A blurry image of an interaction during a traffic stop. A man can be seen standing on the side of the road. Snow is on the ground. He's standing next to a cop car and his own car. Text on the image shows what he's saying: I appreciate it,

Thorne even gives him his contact info so he can contact him when he’s feeling overwhelmed. Finally, the two share one last hug before going their separate ways. At this point, Joe is happy to share that he’s feeling much better now.

“Please remember that we are all human,” the post concludes. “We all have good days, bad days, and days that we feel we might not make it through. But you can. Never be afraid to reach out and make that phone call to hear a helpful voice on the other end.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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