Truck Driver With Heart Of Gold Goes Above And Beyond To Help Family In Need.

Our world could use a few more Kevins.

Videos by InspireMore

Recently, a TikTok video went viral that reminded everyone of how much good there is all around us. The video was of a truck driver named Kevin, who performed a random act of kindness just for the sake of it – no strings attached.

In it, we meet a family who is stranded on the side of the road. Unfortunately, they ran out of gas on their way home, but they are in luck! Out of nowhere, a truck driver pulls up in front of them and starts reversing cautiously toward their vehicle.

The driver’s name is Kevin, and he was determined to help them!

Kevin hooks their car up to his truck full of cheese and pulls them all the way to the nearest gas station. As if that isn’t enough, he then proceeds to fill up their tank and cover the costs.

The captions explain that he did it “all for nothing in return – just to pay it forward.” The family added, “And we have every intention to.”

They finished off the post with these moving words: “Genuine kindness is actually the hardest thing to find, so thank you, Kevin.”

With people like him around, maybe it isn’t so hard to find after all! Watch Kevin’s act of generosity in the video below, and share this story with a friend.

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