“Welcome Home.” The Rock Gives Up-And-Coming UFC Fighter A Life-Changing Gift.

A two-photo collage. The first shows Dwayne Johnson holding out keys to a house as he says, "Welcome home." The second photo shows Dwayne Johnson smiling wide as UFC fighter Themba Gorimbo hugs him.

Early in his wrestling career, Dwayne Johnson struggled to get by with little to no money. At one point, he only had $7 and was living out of his car. It’s no wonder, then, that this superstar felt an instant bond with an up-and-coming UFC fighter named Themba Gorimbo.

Although he’s already making a name for himself, he also finds himself struggling financially. With family back in Zimbabwe, most of the money he makes goes back to them. Plus, he even helped buy their village a well so they’d have safe drinking water. To make these things possible, he even had to sell his gear.

Now, Gorimbo is determined to save enough money to buy a house and bring his family over to Miami with him. Until then, he’s been sleeping on a couch in a gym and, recently, only had $7.49 in his bank account.

When Johnson caught wind of this, he began to make life-changing plans. In a tweet, he let Gorimbo know that he has his back and would be helping him. But how he would be helping, Gorimbo didn’t know.

In fact, he still didn’t know even when Johnson surprised him in the middle of an interview. The two chatted before Gorimbo showed him where he sleeps at night. Then, under the guise of introducing Gorimbo to a friend of his, Johnson actually took him to his new home.

“This place is yours,” Johnson said. “You don’t have to think about anything. The only thing you think about is your family, getting them over here, getting them with you, your training and becoming champion.”

Dwayne Johnson holds out keys to a house as he says, "Welcome home."

The plan is for Johnson to lease the home and pay for all of Gorimbo’s expenses for however long he lives there.

As you can imagine, Gorimbo was at a loss for words, thanking Johnson over and over as he hugged him multiple times. Now, he’s more determined than ever to make his dreams a reality. Plus, he has new plans for the money he intended to save up to buy a house.

Dwayne Johnson smiles wide as UFC fighter Themba Gorimbo hugs him.

“I’m going to build another borehole in my village now when I land in Africa” he said. “I’m going to build it because we need another one.”

Watch Gorimbo’s heartwarming reaction to Johnson’s life-changing surprise in the video below.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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