“We’ve Got Eyes Open!” Cop Ensures A Safe Delivery For Baby Born In Walgreens Parking Lot.

Sage and Officer Kristin McCorkle smile together for a photo in the hospital. Sage is holding flowers and a baby blue stuffed elephant.

As an officer for the Holly Hill Police Department in Florida, Kristin McCorkle has handled a variety of difficult situations. Still, even this officer found herself surprised by the call she received last week. It was still early in the morning when Kristin responded to a call for help that came from a Walgreens.

Turns out, it’s a great thing that she was so close to the store already. In the parking lot, a pregnant woman named Sage was in her car, with her own Mom and grandma, and she was about to give birth quite literally at any moment. Thankfully, Kristin arrived just in time.

“You expect stolen cars, burglaries, stuff like that at 4 a.m.,” Kristin later said. “Childbirth was not on that sheet.”

Although Sage and her family did their best to get to the hospital, while on their way, they were forced to pull over. Ready or not, baby Chase was ready to make his grand entrance in the world.

“I can see that there is no time, the head is already crowning so I just kind of got to get control of the head and she pushes the baby all the rest of the way out to me,” Kristin recalled.

As overwhelming as the situation was, Kristin handled it like a pro, ensuring that Sage’s newborn had a safe delivery.

“We’ve got eyes open!” Kristin can be heard saying in footage of the delivery. “Eyes are open. OK, I got a baby. I’ve got a baby. Get that towel right there. Can you grab the towel?”

Soon after Chase was welcomed into his new world, an ambulance and EMTs arrived, whisking Mom and baby away to the hospital. Here, they were found to be doing just fine and are expected to be released later this week.

Kristin’s ability to handle a stressful situation so perfectly is garnering her attention and praise from not only Sage and her family but from the rest of the force.

“Instead of a proud father, which I am, I am a proud chief of police,” Jeff Miller, Holly Hill Police Chief said. “This is why it’s important to have women in a diverse background in law enforcement because I can tell you, I would have been running back and forth like I did when my child was born.”

As for Kristin, she couldn’t be more grateful for having had the opportunity to help out.

“Definitely a joy,” she said about the delivery. “It’s definitely a huge step in my career, so it’s pretty cool.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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