Widowed Husband And Father Of 7 Gets Uplifting Secret Santa Surprise.

man hugging guy in santa hat

It’s the season of giving, and this widowed husband just got the gift of a lifetime from a secret Santa.

Grab your tissues, folks. This video is a doozy!

man with child getting interviewed by secret santa
This image is from TikTok.

Mr. Nelson is a father of seven and a teacher who has had a hard year. In July, his wife went into a coma, and a few months later, she passed away. This man found himself in need of a bit of good cheer.

Secret Santa to the rescue!

This secret Santa team showed up after this widowed husband finished his work day. With kids running around, Mr. Nelson told his story to the camera.

That’s when the gift-givers pulled out a box.

This box contained not one, but two $1,000 gift cards for groceries and other goods. But that wasn’t all!

They handed Mr. Nelson a check with an undisclosed amount.

It was at that point that he broke down into tears. What a powerful act of love and generosity.

“His reaction made me cry. He’s so grateful. God bless the Secret Santa Program and the Nelson family,” commented one of the many viewers of this powerful clip.

If you need a reminder of the power of humanity, check out this video below. It’s a tearjerker!

The featured image for this post is from TikTok.

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