Mystery Admirer Leaves Flowers On Porch For Weeks, Then Gets Caught In Act.

Neighbors often come over and introduce themselves, and sometimes bring welcoming gifts, when new residents move into the neighborhood. But whoever was dropping off flowers for Rosie remained a mystery until just recently.

She moved into a home in the UK with some housemates over the spring, and soon after, delicate pink flowers started appearing on the back porch. A secret admirer, perhaps?

For weeks, a woman couldn't figure out how little pink flowers were making their way onto her porch. Finally, she caught the neighbor's cat Willow making a delivery.

While that mystery lingered, the surprises kept coming: One day, Rosie discovered a mysterious cat just kind of lounging around in her hallway, as if she owned the place. She soon learned the cat, Willow, has a perfectly good home of her own in the area, but she’s the friendly sort and enjoys dropping in on the neighbors.

For weeks, a woman couldn't figure out how little pink flowers were making their way onto her porch. Finally, she caught the neighbor's cat Willow making a delivery.
Bored Panda

This is obviously a very well-loved and affectionate cat, and who wouldn’t welcome a visitor like that?

Everyone’s so fond of her, in fact, that some even set aside cardboard boxes for to curl up inside for little doze, and leave out food and treats.

For weeks, a woman couldn't figure out how little pink flowers were making their way onto her porch. Finally, she caught the neighbor's cat Willow making a delivery.
Bored Panda

As the weeks went by, the flower deliveries continued, until there were almost a dozen strewn across the deck.

For weeks, a woman couldn't figure out how little pink flowers were making their way onto her porch. Finally, she caught the neighbor's cat Willow making a delivery.

Rosie assumed the wind was blowing them over from a neighbor’s yard. That is, until one of her housemates told her she saw Willow in their yard with a flower in her mouth.

For weeks, a woman couldn't figure out how little pink flowers were making their way onto her porch. Finally, she caught the neighbor's cat Willow making a delivery.

Rosie was finally able to confirm it herself one day earlier this month, when she was in the kitchen and spotted Willow bearing one of the little pink blossoms. She posted the video on Reddit, writing:

Willow is our neighbour’s cat but she clearly likes us better because she steals flowers from them and leaves them on our deck.

When cats take a fancy to someone, their gifts usually come in the form of mice or lizards. Fortunately for Rosie, Willow came up with a more socially acceptable gift to welcome them to the neighborhood.


Watch this sweet cat make one of her deliveries in the video below, and don’t forget to share to spread the love.

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