Woman Shares Giggle-Worthy “Best Names I’ve Seen Working In Pet Insurance”

A woman dressed in black pointing up to a block of text.

One pet insurance company is sharing the best names they’ve come across while working with four-legged clients, and they’re guaranteed to make you laugh! Figo Pet Insurance, a business that offers coverage for cats and dogs, posted a video on Instagram listing some of their favorite animal monikers. These hilarious handles range from common household objects to fancy aristocratic titles. Some of them are delightfully silly!

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In the clip, a Figo employee presents “The Best Names I’ve Seen Working in Pet Insurance.” She goes on to share a spreadsheet filled with her clients’ names, highlighting the ones that stood out to her. Try to keep a straight face as you read through them — we couldn’t!

Some of the funniest names were the ones based on mundane aspects of ordinary life, such as “Elevator Music” and “Coupon.” Others were hilarious because of their ridiculousness, such as “Batman Pete” and “mister john handsome.” A few of these names seemed like they could have been based on the pet’s personality. “Artifact,” for example, sounds like it belongs to a very old animal. We can’t even begin to imagine what kind of scoundrel “Tax Evasion” might be!

Although the spreadsheet didn’t indicate whether any of these names belonged to cats or dogs, sometimes it was pretty easy to tell. For example, “Tuna Helper” is most likely a kitty, as is “Moira Michael Murder Meow.” Obviously, “Dr. Chancey the Chancellor of All Cats PhD Esquire” has to be a feline, too!

A woman dressed in black pointing up to a block of text.
Screengrab from Instagram

Apparently, this is the 18th installment of Figo Pet Insurance’s best client names. These posts are pretty popular — this video alone has received 2.5 million views! Animal lovers enjoyed seeing the random names these cat and dog parents chose for their furry friends. Many commenters chimed in with the names of their own pets!

“This honestly makes me feel better about naming my cat Soup,” wrote one user.

Another added, “My turtle’s name is Sir Jeffery Turtreynolds of Turtlton, Son of Turtlton, Duke of Turtenberg.”

It’s so much fun to see what people name their four-legged family members! We hope this pet insurance company keeps sharing their clients’ best names.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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