Woman Wakes Up To A Random Dog In Her Tent On Vacation… And The Internet Falls In Love

A white dog laying in bed inside a tent.

While on vacation in Nicaragua, a woman was surprised to find an additional camper in her tent: a stray dog! Harriet Coombs was “glamping” at a hostel when she awoke to find the pooch in her bed at three in the morning. She shared a video of the dog, who was curled up comfortably, on social media. Although surprised and confused by his presence, she let him stay the night.

“I didn’t have the heart to tell him to go,” Harriet wrote in her caption.

Obviously, you can’t just post a video about a stray dog showing up in your tent without getting a lot of questions. Commenters practically demanded to know more about the adorable pup! Harriet shared a few follow-up videos explaining the rest of the story.

According to her next post, it seems that the dog managed to slip into Harriet’s tent while it was still zipped closed. When she woke up the next morning, he was still hanging out in her bed, cozy as could be! Then, that night, he came by again for another sleepover. He really seemed to like her!

Everyone wants her to adopt this dog!

By this point, social media users had fallen head over heels for the mysterious pooch. Many commenters clamored for Harriet to adopt the dog who kept finding his way into her tent, while others suggested that she contact an animal rescue.

“Please tell us you took him home!!!” wrote one user.

“YOU NEED TO ADOPT HIM,” said another.

However, Harriet responded in another video that she believed the dog belonged to the hostel where she was staying.

“I know you’re all invested,” she wrote in her caption. “I’m 99% sure that he is a hostel dog and they take care of him.”


I know you’re all invested. Im 99% sure he is a hostel dog and they take care of him. Is this your sign to book 📍 El Pital in Ometepe Island and have potential doggie snuggles??! 🐶 #ometepe #ometepenicaragua #ometepeisland #nicaragua #elpital #elpitalnicaragua

♬ original sound – Harriet • Travel & Advice ✈️

This didn’t convince quite a few commenters, who continued to ask Harriet to look into the pooch’s situation further. Many users though that the dog in her tent looked malnourished and unhealthy. We have yet to see another update on this front, but let’s hope that the traveler takes their advice! Even if it turns out that the pup is doing perfectly fine, it never hurts to make sure.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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