Women Share Their “Whimsical Habits” & They’re As Silly As They Are Inspiring

Three woman laugh and smile while surrounded by a field of sunflowers. A social media comment is edited onto the image in the sky just above the women. The comment reads: I call my to do list my TA DA list and do jazz hands as I tick things off

There are a lot of reasons to love kids. But a big one has to be their ability to embrace their silly side. As we get older, we feel more and more pressured by society to be “more serious.” But becoming an adult doesn’t have to mean letting go of every whimsical part of ourselves. On the contrary, life is so much better when we don’t take ourselves seriously!

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Not sure what that looks like? Luckily, a viral post is inviting women to share their most whimsical habits. This has resulted in a number of responses that one woman says feels just “like a magical, much needed hug.” So now, I’m here to share some of her favorites (and a few of my own!)

Comment on a social media post that reads: listen to french music in my headphones while I grocery shop. Makes it more romantic and less mundane feeling

Feel as though you don’t have an examples of your own? Perhaps the silly habits in your own life have become so routine, you can’t think of them right away. But, even if that’s not the case, the examples these women share are the perfect inspiration!

Need More Whimsy in Your Life? A Viral Post Has Women From All Walks of Life Sharing Their Silliest Habits

Comment on a social media post by user leaturnerholt that reads: I call my to do list my TA DA list and do jazz hands as I tick things off

“I do believe that moments of whimsy and delight in our day-to-day lives are invaluable,” Tara, the woman re-sharing these delightful habits writes, “and hearing how others create and cultivate that in their own lives is a delight unto itself.”

Tara is most certainly on to something. There’s even scientific proof that silliness can be good for us!

Comment on a social media post by user lawlessmcgee that reads: I wsh dishes by candlelight, listening to Medieval tavern music, and pretend I'm a tavern wench

“Taking yourself too seriously” is going to look different for us all. But, in the end, the results are about the same. When we’re “too serious,” it’s easier to be overwhelmed and stressed. This leads to less joy and worse health overall. On the contrary, adding more laughter, joy, and silliness can relieve stress and improve both our mental and physical health.

Comment on a social media post by user Car that reads: I like drinking water at night out of small wooden bowls. It makes me feel like I'm being nursed back to health by spirits

“When I take my contacts out every night I say to myself ‘Alright, I’ve seen enough,'” one woman shares in reply to Tara’s post, another person adding, “I hot glued a bow tie onto the Roomba and we call him Jeffrey.”

Comment on a social media post by user unabashedlyerin that reads: I teach the dog how to do things either to make them more interesting for me ("Let me show you how to start a load of laundry") or just to make him feel included ("Do you remember how to make coffee, or should I walk you though it again? I know it's hard to remember since you can't practice without thumbs.")

“Sometimes, a couple hours before bed, I go in my room and turn down the bed, spray a bit of lavender, maybe light a candle, put my water with lemon on my bedside table,” a third woman shares. “Then when I get ready to go to bed a couple hours later I walk in and say ‘I love turndown service!’ as though it’s a pleasant surprise.”

Do you have any whimsical, silly habits of your own? Get any ideas from these creative women? Don’t be afraid to share them!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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