You’ll Never — And I Mean Never — Guess What This Dog Is Barking At

Close up of a small brown and white dog barking angrily while standing in a living room

Some dogs love to chat. Or complain… or both! Either way, when you have a talkative pup, you never know what will make them start barking next. Sometimes, a dog will bark as a way of sharing how excited they are about something. Other times, it’s the perfect way for them to communicate that they are quite unhappy about something or someone. If you’ve ever had a dog yourself, then you know it’s not unusual for them to bark at the most random stuff.

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Still, even someone who has owned a dog their entire life may find themselves at a loss for words over Sam Ferenchak’s dog. One day, his dog began to bark like crazy. It’s clear that this pup is very unhappy about something. But you’ll never in a million years guess what it is that has this cute pup so upset. Seriously, get your guesses in now, because it’s time for the reveal in the video below…

Told you that you’d never be able to guess! All it took for this four-legged cutie to get all riled up was having LinkedIn on display on the living room TV. As you can imagine, there are quite a few humans who deeply understand having this type of reaction to the social networking site. This has people replying with sentiments like, “Good boy” and “He gets it.”

The Reason Behind This Dog Barking is Hilarious… and a Little Too Relatable

Like most places online, LinkedIn is full of inspiring content. That said, it’s also a place for job-related stuff, making it one that not everyone has the best relationship with. In other words, the general consensus is that this dog’s reaction is 100% valid.

“ME TOO, BUDDY,” one person shares in reply to the video, with another adding, “It’s literally the funniest possible thing it could be.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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